5 Things I Learned in 2015
It’s that time of year again, everyone is making the proclamations of “New Year, New Me” and setting resolutions to be better. How did you do over this past year? Did you accomplish your goals, did you fall short, or were you completely disappointed by your progress or lack thereof? However you’re feeling about the New Year, if you are alive and reading this then feel an immense amount of gratitude because you made it through this rocky year. The cosmic energy as well as the news headlines have left most of us feeling drained and overwhelmed. For myself, I have had a transformative year full of minimal highs and heartbreaking lows. I’ve gained new strength while simultaneously letting go of my old desires, wants, and needs. It’s been a year of growth, sprinkled with some complacency, but most of all it has been refreshing. I am entering 2016 with spirits high and no worries, read below to find out why.
1.) Beware of Toxic People
This is a tough lesson to learn, especially for someone like me who loves very, very, very hard. Our love for someone does not cancel out any negative or hurtful behavior or energy they may offer to us. When you realize someone is a toxic person it is your duty to yourself to remove them as soon as possible. How can you identify a toxic individual? This person will probably display some of the following traits.
· Offering criticism instead of encouragement.
· Constantly telling you your ideas, goals, etc. are unrealistic.
· Judging your appearance, intelligence, and actions.
· Asserting themselves as superior over you.
· Tries to start arguments.
· No matter how much you give to them it’s never enough.
Toxic people often exude negative energy. They see the world in a constant lens of gray and darkness. The perpetual pessimist. They will not aid you to accomplish your goals only distract you from them. Toxic People can also be people you previously had very close bonds with that you have now outgrown. They can be family, friends, an employer, or parent. When we reach new levels of understanding of ourselves and what we want out of life, it becomes necessary to shed old layers. There will be loved ones who fall to the wayside simply because they do not see your vision. Trust in yourself to know when to love these people from a distance.
2.) Stop Making Excuses
We all have some goals that we have be putting off for years, whether its weight-loss (guilty) or organizing your finances (also guilty), the only real thing standing in your way of accomplishing your goals is you. I have been developing this blog in my head literally since I was 8 years old. Although I had no idea what the internet would explode to be, I knew I wanted to write, edit, and own my own publication. The only reason Origin of Original is not as successful as it could be, or should be is because I haven’t put the time and effort in. For years we wait for the right time, the right people to come into our lives, and the right amount of income. We wait for everything to be right before we try to get right and it simply does not work that way. We have to put the work in every day until we begin to actualize the life that we want to live. There is no reason you can’t be the person you have always dreamed of starting right now today. I’m not saying it is going to be easy, or that there won’t be moments of extreme self-doubt, anxiety, and a deep desire to quit, but you will never know what cards will be dealt next if you don’t play the hand you have. Do the research, take the time to do it right, but most of all take the first step. That is the only way you will see the success you’ve always wanted.
3.) Love Unconditionally Always
The world can be very cold and miserable. News headlines are rarely positive, we hear about death and poverty every day. People are struggling to make ends me and the price of living seems to keep climbing. We get hurt by people we loved, shunned by strangers, and taken advantage of by significant others. We carry the weight of all our failures with us everywhere we go, but the only true way to overcome the inevitable sadness we feel at times is to remember to love unconditionally always. Love yourself, love those supportive people in your life, and love the very smallest of things. Show the universe gratitude for a beautiful sunset/sunrise, for a clear blue sky, or a hug from your children. If we focus on our love of life and our blessings then the icy coldness of the world begins to melt away. Release people from your life by forgiving them and moving on. Don’t hold on to anger, grudges, and jealousy, or anything that may taint your spirit. Live in love and be the light for those around you. Don’t let the pain of a previous relationship hold you back from having the one you ultimately deserve. Leave your baggage at the door you just walked through and move forward without the burdens of the past. Changing your mindset to one of gratitude will change your outlook on the world and transform your life. Try it.
4.) Stay in Your Lane
God created a lane specifically for you. The universe manifested you into the person you are. Did you know that it takes sperm nearly a week to travel to the egg? Along the way the sperm are killed by the acidity in women’s vaginas and even once they reach the egg the sperm can be rejected by the egg. When you understand the biology of creating a human being then you understand how much of a miracle it is that you are even here. Your time of birth is specific to you, down to the millisecond. Even twins don’t share the same time of birth. So when you think about it, your own lane is created just for you upon entry into this realm. Stay in the lane God created for you. Be guided by your intuition, your spirit, and your heart. Do what makes you happy but most of all what makes your body, spirit, and mind feel healthy. No need to look at what others are doing just focus on your path, your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Focus on the lane the Universe gifted you specifically.
5.) Single ≠ Lonely
Single does not equal lonely, please say it with me one more time for clarity. Single does not equal lonely. As human beings it’s biologically necessary for us to be coupled up, at least at one point or another. It is quite natural for us to view single people as undesirable and unattractive. It is biology after all. BUT we are sentient beings. We have thoughts, emotions, goals, and desires. We have free will and sometimes people choose to be single. Single life is the ticket to truly understanding yourself. It is a time for working on you. Being single gives you the opportunity to focus on your goals and dreams, but most of all your flaws. We need time alone to heal ourselves of the wounds caused by others and the ones we cause to ourselves. Referring back to lesson 1, don’t hold onto someone who makes you miserable just to prove that you’re not single. Better yet, don’t maintain casual relationships with toxic people while still insisting that you’re single. Learn to love being alone. Learn to enjoy your own company and bathe in your own silence. There you will find peace of mind. Once you fall in love with yourself others will fall in love with you as well, because it will radiate out from your being. Love and respect yourself so deeply that others will have no choice but to follow suit. Single does not equal lonely. Single equals confidence and ambition. The ability to break away from the social norms and establish yourself as a whole before finding you equally whole match.
2015 proved to be an exhausting year for all in my circle. For myself, I feel as if I have been drug through the mud only to come out golden. I learned my strength this year, I learned that there will always be obstacles but with hard work and dedication you can overcome anything and create the world you’ve always fantasized about. I am nowhere near where I want to be but 2016 has revealed itself to be promising but also mysterious.